ZMS Traffic Drop Off/Pick Up
After School Student Pick-Up
ZMS is blessed to have a parent community filled with adults who are plugged in to their children’s lives. One of the byproducts of this phenomenon is a VERY busy parking lot. While we strive for efficiency and a quick traffic pattern, our primary goal is keeping our students – your children – safe. School staff members direct cars to pull as far forward along our curb as possible in an attempt to keep the line moving, but also because the safest way for students to enter their parents’ car is along the school’s front walk. Please pay attention to their directions when in the pick-up line. They report also that a few students have been directed by their parents to meet them in the turn lane along Ford Road to be picked up. This is exceptionally dangerous, and we ask that you please wait to pick your children up at the front of the school. Thank you for your assistance!
time, the South Cruse Road entry/exit is for buses only.
1. Between the hours of 8:00 A.M.-8:45 A.M. the east drive from North Ford Road is one lane of one-way
traffic. There will be no passing allowed.
2. Drivers will be directed to pull forward along the full length of the sidewalk.
3. There will be curbside drop off only – students should gather their belongings prior to pulling along the side
of the curb for quick departure.
4. Please stop at all the crosswalks and stop signs and yield to all pedestrian and bike traffic.
5. Drivers will exit the parking lot by turning left at the gate and circling around the back of the parking lot,
exiting onto Ford Road.
6. The afternoon pick-up procedure is the same; however, drivers may pass the line of curbside cars to exit