Good afternoon Zionsville Middle School here are your afternoon announcements…
Please join us tonight at the girls basketball team’s final home game of the season versus Fishers! The girls basketball team is collecting items for the Helping Veterans and Families organization as part of the Do Days initiative. If you bring in two or more items, you will get in free to the game. Items needed include canned food items, toiletries and men’s clothing items. Please see signs posted near Eagle Hall and the gyms for specific needs!
Youth Art Month is an annual observance each March to emphasize the value of art and art education for all children and to encourage public support for quality school art programs. Established in 1961, YAM provides an outlet for acknowledging skills that are not possible in other subjects. Student artists, kindergarten-12th grade, have been selected to display their artwork at various businesses in downtown Zionsville. Join us for a First Friday gallery walk on the evening of Friday, March 7th.
Big congratulations to our orchestra and band State Solo and Ensemble Participants who performed so well over the weekend! This is the most both programs have ever had go to state!
Eliot Noble
Audrey Esquivel
Lilah Hall
Laila Coats
Joseph Zhang
Meredith Dennin
Emma McCarty
Naomi Armstrong
Natalie Sim
Tony Bednarik
Winston Bartels
Corwin Hughes
Ethan Weirich
Cade Carlson
Henry Norman
Chloe Brown
Jack Ulbright
Ben Brown
The Steel Eagle Robotics teams competed in their League Finals on Saturday. Seven of our eight teams made the finals of the team competition:
The D team finished 11th
The G team, E team and M teams tied for 5th place.
The C and S teams tied for 3rd place.
Our X team of Jack Glier, Josh Karr, Dylan Szilagi and Max Prucka won the team competition. This gets them an invite to the State Championships
The S team won the Judges Award, The E team won the Think Award and the M team of Grayson Dieter, Samuel Zeng, Porter Shaw and Liam Shipman won the Excellence award. This gets them an invite to the State Championships. Congratulations to all the Steel Eagles!
On Friday, we hope you will join us in honoring our ZCS Unified Student Athletes and Partners and support the Special Olympics by wearing a hat! Please consider donating, our athletes appreciate your support! Also, tomorrow and Wednesday you will have the opportunity to color a picture during lunch about one way that you can be an ALLY and add it to our school poster!
All 6th and 7th grade chicken club members will meet this Wednesday during homeroom in the 7th grade science lab to complete our do day project for chicken nugget and gang rescue.
There will be a track informational meeting on March 5th for parents and athletes at 7pm in Eagle Hall. The first official practice is on March 10 from 4:00-5:30pm and will continue Monday through Friday throughout the season. You can sign up for track by scanning the QR code outside of Coach Rowe’s room or Student Services.